An appeal can be made on a judicial decision or an administrative decision. Please refer to the Florida Rules of Court-Florida Rules of Appellate Procedure for information regarding the appeal process. A copy of the Florida Rules of Appellate Procedure is available at the Indian River County Main Library, 1600 21st Street, Vero Beach, Florida or online. Our office does not provide any forms for the appeal process.
Filing fees are due at the time a notice of appeal is filed. If you are unsure as to the amount of filing fees due when filing an appeal, please contact our office. If an appellant is indigent and wishes the appeal fees to be waived, a motion for indigency and a prepared order for the Judge’s signature should be filed with the notice of appeal as per our office’s Appeal Fees Policy.
Payment for the preparation of the appeal record is due at the time of the receipt of the statement for preparation fees. The appeal record will not be sent to the respective panel until the preparation fees have been paid. If an appeal is dismissed after the appeal record has been prepared, the fees for the preparation of the record are still due and payable to the Indian River County Clerk of Court.
The Appeals Department is located in Room 105 on the first floor of the Indian River Courthouse, (772) 226-3100 – Extension 3120.
In accordance with Florida Rules of Court, the required appeal record will be prepared and filed electronically with the Fourth District Court of Appeals. If we are required by the Florida Rules of Court to serve you with a copy of said record, a CD containing the appeal record will be mailed to your office via U.S. Mail.
Notice of Appeal – 19th Judicial Circuit
Notice of Appeal-4th District Court of Appeals
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