Ryan Butler
Clerk of Circuit Court & Comptroller
Indian River County
2000 16th Avenue
Vero Beach, Florida 32960
Phone: (772) 226-3100

Tammi Buchanan, Drug Court Coordinator
Phone: (772) 807-4388
Email: BuchananT@circuit19.org

Juvenile Department
2000 16th Avenue, Room 119
Vero Beach, Florida 32960
Phone: (772) 226-3100 Ext. 3238
Fax: (772) 770-5184


Pursuant to Florida Statutes 39.0132(3), 985.05(2) and 984.06(3), all Juvenile records (delinquency and dependency) are confidential.

Juvenile court records are not open to inspection by the public without a court order. Juvenile cases information can only be made available to the juvenile, parent or guardian, attorney for parent or child and select government officials with valid photo identification. In order to access a Juvenile Delinquency or Dependency files, you must come in person with Photo Identification. Only the juvenile or his/her parent is permitted access to the records.  No information will be given over the phone.

Seal & Expunge record www.fdle.state.fl.us
Expunge contact number 850-410-7870

St. Lucie Detention Center
1301 Bell Avenue, Ft. Pierce Florida 34982

Department of Juvenile Justice
1834 Old Dixie Highway,
Vero Beach, Fl 32960

Cins Fins – Child in need of services / Family in need of services not involving law enforcement.

Indian River County Service Provider – Children’s Home Society

Substance Abuse Council Testing Lab Number: 772-770-4643
Delinquency Diversion:

Truancy Court hearings are set monthly from September until May.
This is due to the child’s habitual unexcused absences.
Any questions regarding truancy petitions should be directed to the Indian River County School Board 772-564-3000.

Payment of court fees or restitution may be made in person at the County Courthouse in Vero Beach or the North County Office in Sebastian.  
Information required to make your payment would be your case number.  
If you do not know your case number, please stop at the Juvenile Department prior to going to the Cashier to obtain your case number.
(Photo identification required)


*We suggest that you first download the PDF form to your computer, and then open it with Adobe Acrobat.  You can either type information directly into each field, or copy and paste text.

*Application for Criminal Indigent Status


Payment plans are available on most cases.  If you would like to request a payment plan on your case please send your request to the following ircpaymentplans@clerk.indian-river.org .  Please include ALL case numbers/citation numbers you are requesting a payment plan for in your email. A $25.00 administration fee per case will be applied to the fines and cost due for the payment plan option.  If you have been charged with a traffic violation and you are eligible to attend traffic school and would like to elect that option please include that in your email request.

Department of Children and Families
1145 South 18th Place
Vero Beach Florida 32960

To report child abuse call 800-962-2873.

Request for recordings of court proceeding must be made to Court Administration 772-462-1879

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