
The Traffic Department handles all traffic tickets issued in Indian River County, animal control citations, municipal ordinance and code enforcement infractions and all misdemeanor cases.

Online Search

Online Search for Traffic and Misdemeanor Records



Fee Schedule

Cash, money orders, cashier’s check, Visa, MasterCard or Discover are accepted.

Payments can be made via nCourt or by phone at 1 (877) 794-0052

Cashier’s checks or money orders should be made out to Ryan Butler, Clerk of Court.

Our mailing address is: P.O. Box 1028, Vero Beach, FL 32961

Pleading Not Guilty

To plead not guilty, it is necessary to:

  • complete the form provided with the envelope given when citation is received; or

  • complete the form provided at the Traffic counter; or

  • send a letter with a valid return address pleading not guilty.

After receiving a plea of not guilty, a court date will be set and a Notice to Appear will be mailed to the defendant.

*We suggest that you first download the PDF form to your computer, and then open it with Adobe Acrobat.  You can either type information directly into each field, or copy and paste text.

*Application for Criminal Indigent Status

Basic Driver Improvement Course

The recipient of a citation can attend basic driver improvement course if:

  • he/she has not attended basic driver improvement course within the past 12 months;

  • he/she has not attended 8 times in YOUR LIFETIME.

Information about basic driver improvement course can be found in the yellow pages of the telephone book under the listing “Driving Instruction” or by visiting this webpage:

What is Basic Driver Improvement (BDI) and how do I find the approved listing of BDI course providers? – Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (

A fee must be paid in the county in which the citation was received within 30 days and proof of the driving school completion must be provided to the Clerk’s office in the county in which the citation was received within 3 months.


Payment plans are available on most cases.  If you would like to request a payment plan on your case please send your request to the following .  Please include ALL case numbers/citation numbers you are requesting a payment plan for in your email.  If you do not know your case/citation number please click the Online Search for Traffic and Misdemeanor Records link above to find your case information.  A $25.00 administration fee per case will be applied to the fines and cost due for the payment plan option.  If you have been charged with a traffic violation and you are eligible to attend traffic school and would like to elect that option please include that in your email request.

Suspended Driver’s Licenses

If a driver’s license is suspended because of an unpaid citation in Indian River County, paying the citation plus late fees and reinstatement fees can reinstate it.

Driving Records

With a picture ID an individual may purchase his/her own Florida driving record: $14.25 for a three year record or $16.25 for a complete record.

Frequently Asked Questions

Click here for our Frequently Asked Questions

Ryan Butler
Clerk of Circuit Court & Comptroller
Indian River County
2000 16th Avenue
Vero Beach, Florida 32960
Phone: (772) 226-3100
Traffic/Misdemeanors Department
2000 16th Avenue, Room 105
Vero Beach, Florida 32960
Phone: (772) 226-3100 Ext. 3188


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