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Marriage Licenses
Florida Residents with Premarital Preparation Course Completion Certificate 61.00
Non-Florida Residents or Florida Residents without Premarital Preparation Course Completion Certificate 86.00
*Credit / Debit Card Fee 3.5%
Passport Application Fees

16 years of age and older
15 years of age and younger


* Make check or money order payable to: U.S. Department of State
Cash, Credit/Debit Card-Clerks fee, per App $35.00*
*Credit / Debit Card Fee 3.5%
Recording Department
Recording, Indexing, Filing any instrument
Not more than 14″ x 8½”, First Page 10.00
Each additional page 8.50
Declaration of Domicile, preparing affidavit 7.00
Documentary Stamps on Deeds
per hundred of face value or fraction thereof 0.70
Documentary Stamps on Mortgages
per hundred of face value or fraction thereof 0.35
Examining, Certifying and Recording Plats and for Recording Condominium Exhibits
larger than 14″ x 8 1/2″
First page 30.00
Each additional page 15.00
Indexing instruments recorded in the Official Records which contain more than 4 names,
per additional name 1.00
Indexing each entry not recorded 1.00
Intangible Tax on Mortgages
$2.00 per $1000 or fraction thereof 0.002
Lis Pendens
First Page, 5.00
for each additional page, 4.00
per name over 4 (includes the names of all plaintiffs and defendants). 1.00
Mechanic’s Lien – Recording the Certificate
First page 10.00
Each additional page 8.50
Issuance of Certificate by Clerk 20.00
Multiple liens, in addition to above, each 10.00
Deposit/Bond required as security:
Amount of Lien plus interest (3 years of legal percentage) plus:
Court costs, whichever is greater: 25% or 1,000.00
Approving Bond 10.00
Tax deed sale, processing application of 60.00
Disbursement of excess proceeds of tax deed sale
First $100 or fraction thereof 10.00
Miscellaneous Charges
Approving Bond 8.50
Attorney, pro hac vice 100.00
CD/DVD – per cd/dvd 10.00
OnLine eCertifying copies of any instrument in official records 9.00
Walk-In eCertifying copies of any instrument in official records 9.00
for Each Additional page 1.00
Copying any instrument in public records
Not more than 14″ x 8 1/2″ , per page 1.00
Larger than 14″ x 8 1/2″, per page 5.00
Copying any instrument in public records
by other than photographic process, per page 6.00
Exemplified / Authenticated Certificates 7.00
Making microfilm copies of any public record
16 mm 100′ microfilm roll 42.00
Oath, administering, attesting and sealing, not otherwise provided for 3.50
Receiving and disbursing all restitution payments, per payment 3.50
Receiving Money into Court Registry:
First $500.00 3.0%
Balance of 1.5%
Sealing any court file or expungement of any record 42.00
Searching of records, each year’s search, per name 2.00
Subpoena for a witness, issuing and filing, including
writing, preparing, signing and sealing 7.00
Subpoenas, signing and sealing 2.00
Summons, per defendant 10.00
Verifying any instrument presented for Certification
prepared by someone other than Clerk, per page 3.50
Writing any paper other than herein specifically mentioned,
same as for copying, including signing and sealing, per page 7.00
Credit/Debt card fee (charged by credit card company). 3.5%
Appellate Proceedings
From County Court to Circuit Court 281.00
From Circuit Court to District Court
Payable to Clerk of Circuit Court 100.00
Payable to Fourth District Court 300.00
Additional miscellaneous service charges required under Chapter 28 for services rendered in the processing of an appeal will be assessed.
Civil Division
CIRCUIT COURT Actions in excess of $30,000.00
Civil action, not more than 5 defendants 400.00
for each defendant over 5, per defendant 2.50
Cross, Counter, Third Party Claims 395.00
Attachment, Replevin and Distress 85.00
Foreclosure / Other Real Property  
$50,000 or less 400.00
$50,001 and less than $250,000 905.00
$250,000 or more 1905.00
$50,000 or less 395.00
$50,001 TO $250,000 900.00
$250,000 or more 1900.00
Garnishment, proceedings of 85.00
Judicial Sale Fee 70.00
Judicial Sales  
A deposit of 5%, cleared funds, of final bid is required By 3:00 pm the day before the sale
Medical Negligence Cases
Petition to Extend Time 42.00
Receiving Money into Court Registry
First $500.00 3.0%
Balance of 1.5%
Eminent Domain actions, per deposit 170.00
Reopen 50.00
Severance 18.00
Summons Per Defendant 10.00
Civil Action more than $8,001.00 but not more than $15,000.00 $300.00
Civil Action more than $15,000.00 but not more than $30,000.00 $400.00
Cross, Counter, Third Party $8,001.00 to $15,000.00 $295.00
Cross, Counter, Third Party $15,001.00 to $30,000.00 $395.00
Attachment, Replevin and Distress 85.00
Garnishment, proceedings of 85.00
Removal of Tenant Action (Eviction) 185.00
Removal of Tenant Action (Eviction with Damages) 300.00
Claims not more than $1,000 filed w/replevin 130.00
less than $500.00 25.00
more than $500.00 50.00
Summons Per Defendant 10.00
Small Claims $0.00 – $100.00 55.00
Small Claims $101.00 – $500.00 80.00
Small Claims $501.00 – $2,500 175.00
Small Claims $2,501.00 – $5,000.00 300.00
Small Claims $5,001.00 – $8,000.00 300.00
Cross, Counter, Third Party Claims – $2500 & over 295.00
less than $500 25.00
more than $500 50.00
Summons Per Defendant 10.00
Opening a case (single petition filing) 231.00
Audit Fee – Initial Verified Inventory
Property Value in Excess of $25,000 85.00
Audit Fee – Annual and Final Accounting with value from
$0 up to and including $25,000 20.00
$25,001 up to and including $100,000 85.00
$100,001 up to and including $500,000 170.00
in excess of $500,001 250.00

41.00 +postage

Determination of Incompetency 231.00
Disposition of Personal Property (Small Estate) without Administration 231.00
Formal Administration, Guardianship, Ancillary, Curatorship, Conservatorship and Trusts 400.00
Guardianship Proceedings, Person Only 235.00
Notice of Trust 41.00
Petition and Order to Admit
Foreign Wills, Authenticated Copies,
Exemplified Copies, or Transcript of Record 231.00
Reopen 50.00
Summary Administration for Estate,
valued at less than $1,000 235.00
valued at $1,000 or more 345.00
Trusts 400.00
Veteran’s Administration Guardianship 235.00
Family Services Division
Dissolution of Marriage, Petition for (divorce) 408.00
Adoptions / Termination of Parental Rights 442.00
All other cases 300.00 / 400.00
Garnishment 188.00
Counter Petition 295.00
Motion for Contempt NO FEE
Motion Reopening Case 50.00
Petition for Modification of Final Judgment of Dissolution of Marriage 50.00
Clerk Fee on Child Support & Alimony Payments

4% of payment / Minimum $1.00 not to exceed $5.25

Issuance of Delinquency – plus postage 32.00
Issuance of Judgment – plus postage 42.00
Payoff Statement 25.00
Satisfaction of Judgment 17.00
Injunction for Protection
Domestic Violence NO FEE
Stalking, Repeat, Dating, or Sexual Violence NO FEE
Mental Health
Baker Act NO FEE
Marchman Act NO FEE
Traffic and Misdemeanor
Moving Boating Infractions 95.00
Non-moving Boating Infractions 77.00
BUI – Failure to submit to blood test 500.00
Moving Violation 148.00 144.20
Non-moving Violation 98.00


Non Moving with Proof of Compliance 83.25 NA
All Terrain Vehicle (ATV) 93.00 NA
Child Restraint Violation 148.00 Crop Class only 104.50
Fail to stop for School Bus 248.00 255.00
Pedestrian or Bicyclist 46.50 NA
Seat Belt Violation 98.00 NA
RR Crossing 188.00 177.00
Move over law 316.126(1)(a) 148.00 155.00
Move over law 316.126(1)(b) 118.00 125.00
DWLS w/o Knowledge 145.00 141.20
Failure to obey traffic control device 246.00 224.56
Load Dropping **Mandatory Court** 268.00 NA
For speed exceeding the limit by:
6 – 9 m.p.h. 113.00 115.50
10 – 14 m.p.h. 188.00 177.00
15 – 19 m.p.h. 238.00 218.00
20 – 29 m.p.h. 263.00 238.50
30 m.p.h. and over **MANDATORY COURT** NA NA
30-49 m.p.h. and over **MANDATORY COURT** NA NA
50 m.p.h. and over **MANDATORY COURT** NA NA
For speed exceeding the limit by:
1 – 9 m.p.h. 138.00 136.00
10 – 14 m.p.h. 288.00 259.00
15 – 19 m.p.h. 388.00 341.00
20 – 29 m.p.h. 438.00 382.00
30 m.p.h. and over **MANDATORY COURT** NA NA
Vehicle Defect Fine Repaired w/in 30 Days
Improper equipment – if corrected (316.610-only) 78.00 NA
Dismissal fee with proof 10.00  
Construction zone penalties applicable if construction personnel are present or operating equipment on the road or immediately adjacent to road under construction.
*Plus Defensive Driving School Fee (DDS)
Reinstatment of Driver’s License, if eligible 60.00
*Credit / Debit Card Fee
NOC E-Certify $4.00
Walkin E-Certify $9.00 for 1st page/ $1 for each Additional page
Online E-Certify $9.00 per copy


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